We've just released CAmkES 3.0.0 (release notes), and with it, all changes staged on our development branch, CAmkES Next, have been merged into the "master" branch of the camkes-tool repo (https://github.com/seL4/camkes-tool). We'll be continuing to develop CAmkES on its "master" branch, and cease making new commits to the "next" branch.

# What this means for you

As CAmkES 3.0.0 is incompatible with older versions of CAmkES, any projects tracking the master branch of camkes-tool will probably not build after this change. Also, as all new development is now being done on the master branch, any projects tracking the next branch of camkes-tool will no longer receive updates. If you're in either category, you'll need to update your project's repo manifest.

# Migration Instructions

If your project tracks either the "master", or "next" branch of the camkes-tool, you'll need to update your project's manifest. To check if this applies to you, look in your projects repo manifest xml file (typically in .repo/manifest.xml at the top level of your project) for the line:

<project name="camkes-tool.git" path="tools/camkes">   (this implicitly tracks "master")


<project name="camkes-tool.git" path="tools/camkes" revision="master">


<project name="camkes-tool.git" path="tools/camkes" revision="next">

If your manifest has either of those lines, take a look at the migration guide in the CAmkES 3.0.0 release notes: 


It covers a range of different scenarios and explains how to change your manifest so your project will continue to work.

If the camkes-tool revision in your manifest specifies a particular version of CAmkES (e.g. 'revision="camkes-2.3.1"'), you don't need to migrate.