Dear all,

First of all, sorry if this question has been asked several times already.  I am currently trying to use sel4 & camkes on a debian stable. I installed all the dependencies but I am facing an error message when trying to build the tool (see below). My version of cabal is 1.20, so, version should not be an issue.

After searching, it seemed that the version of ghc might be the root cause so I upgraded to testing and/or unstable but faced other issues then.

My question is then what is the best development environment to use sel4 and camkes? Any special recommendation? I would like to keep my existing debian/stable as much as possible.

Thanks for any help or suggestion,


[parse-capDL] building...
 export CONFIG_CAPDL_LOADER_MAX_IRQS=256 && cabal configure && cabal build && cp dist/build/parse-capDL/parse-capDL .
 Resolving dependencies...
 cabal: The package 'capDL-tool' requires Cabal library version -any && >=1.18
 but no suitable version is installed.
 Makefile:45: recipe for target 'parse-capDL' failed
 make[1]: *** [parse-capDL] Error 1
Makefile:49: recipe for target '/home/julien/tmp/camkes/stage/arm/imx31/parse-capDL/parse-capDL' failed
make: *** [/home/julien/tmp/camkes/stage/arm/imx31/parse-capDL/parse-capDL] Error 2