We now fixed this in the mainline repositories.  Thanks for sharing.

From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of Nogin, Aleksey <anogin@hrl.com>
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2019 7:52 PM
To: devel@sel4.systems <devel@sel4.systems>
Subject: [seL4] Nasty bug in global-components/templates/rpc-signalling.template.c

After spending a few hours debugging time server not working for me, I realized that global-components/templates/rpc-signalling.template.c that was added earlier this year contains the following


/*- set badge = str(configuration[c.instance.name].get("%s_attributes" % c.interface.name)).strip('"') -*/


/*- do badges.sort() -*/


int /*? me.interface.name ?*/_largest_badge(void) {

   return /*? badges[len(badges) - 1] ?*/;



Unfortunately for me, my Trusted Build generated camkes had the attributes numbered 1,2,3,10,11,12,13 and therefore the above core was claiming that the time_server_largest_badge is 3 L. Obviously, the issue is the combination of the str and sort, resulting in the last badge being the one largest lexicographically, not numerically L. Replacing the str with int (and correspondingly removing the strip) solved the problem for me.


P.S. Well, solved that particular problem for me, not the problem of time server not working – looks like now I will have to debug


FAULT HANDLER: data fault from time_server.time_server_0_control (ID 0x2) on address 0x84b8ba, pc = 0x42439d, fsr = 0x4

FAULT HANDLER: Register dump:

FAULT HANDLER: rip      :0x42439d

FAULT HANDLER: rsp      :0x454cf0

FAULT HANDLER: rflags   :0x10202

FAULT HANDLER: rax      :0x413a33

FAULT HANDLER: rbx      :0x437e88

FAULT HANDLER: rcx      :0x0

FAULT HANDLER: rdx      :0x437e98

FAULT HANDLER: rsi      :0x28

FAULT HANDLER: rdi      :0x437e98

FAULT HANDLER: rbp      :0x454d70

FAULT HANDLER: r8       :0xffffffff

FAULT HANDLER: r9       :0x0

FAULT HANDLER: r10      :0xe8

FAULT HANDLER: r11      :0x293

FAULT HANDLER: r12      :0x413a32

FAULT HANDLER: r13      :0x84b8ba

FAULT HANDLER: r14      :0x0

FAULT HANDLER: r15      :0x0

FAULT HANDLER: fs_base  :0x44a460

FAULT HANDLER: gs_base  :0x0

FAULT HANDLER:   memory map:

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000458fff --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   guard page

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000458000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   IPC buffer

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000457000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   guard page

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000456000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   guard page

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000455000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   stack

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000451000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   guard page

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000450000 --

FAULT HANDLER:     |   code and data

FAULT HANDLER:     +-- 0x0000000000400000 –





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