
I am trying to run VM guest on seL4 using CAmkEs. I have setup my linux machine and installed dependencies. I have run seL4 hello world example. What do I need to do run VM guest in seL4? 
I have serached online to see. The documentation says that to create VM guests and applications on seL4, I need to use CAmkES. I followed this link:
https://docs.sel4.systems/Tutorials/camkes-vm-linux.html. What do I need to create VM on top of seL4 using CAmkES? Also, I want seL4 to run as hypervisor. 

I have found a tutorial on how to run it from these links. 

But, I did not understand the following: 
You can boot the tutorial on an x86 hardware platform with a multiboot boot loader, or use the QEMU simulator. Note if you are using QEMU it is important to ensure that your host machine has VT-x support and KVM installed. You also need to ensure you have enabled nested virtulisation with KVM guests as described here.

After building is completed with ninja, how do I excute the following: 

Then boot images/kernel-x86_64-pc99 and images/capdl-loader-experimental-image-x86_64-pc99 (or *.ia32-pc99 if built for 32-bit) with the multiboot boot loader of your choice.

Khalid Ameen