Hi Demi,

Any time you perform an seL4_Call operation on an endpoint and block waiting for a reply you are trusting that endpoint in a variety of ways. You trust that the messages will eventually get a reply and allow you to resume. You also trust that the message will eventually be received.

If you want to perform an seL4_Call on an untrusted endpoint you will require a monitor thread that can handle a timeout and reset the calling thread if it is still blocked.

In general, you want to avoid using endpoints where you can't trust that the message will be received and replied to in a timely manner. Asynchronous notifications do not suffer from this trust requirement so it is recommended that communication between mutually distrusting servers use shared memory and notifications. The client should seL4_Signal the server to notify a message has been sent via the shared memory and the server should signal in response to notify the client the message has been handled and the reply is in the shared memory.

The problem of setting up a connection, sending the reply badged notification object to the server, acquiring a send notification object from the server, and mapping the shared memory would require either the connection being statically configured at process creation or dynamically configured by some mutually trusted shared component.
