
I have been trying to generate Isabelle file from CapDL specification. But I run into an error when I'm running the command:

./parse-capDL --isabelle=out.thy --object-sizes=object_sizes.yaml example-arm.cdl 

warning: specifying untyped child multiple times is deprecated: ut = a, child = name
warning: specifying untyped child multiple times is deprecated: ut = b, child = name
warning: specifying untyped child multiple times is deprecated: ut = something, child = rm_ut

parse-capDL: CapDL/PrintIsabelle.hs:180:15-71: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern ut@(Untyped {maybePaddr = Just utPaddr})

where example-arm.cdl is the example I got from CapDL repo (https://github.com/seL4/capdl/blob/master/capDL-tool/example-arm.cdl)

And object_sizes.yaml contains:

seL4_TCBObject: 10
seL4_EndpointObject: 4
seL4_NotificationObject: 4
seL4_SmallPageObject: 12
seL4_LargePageObject: 16
seL4_ASID_Pool: 12
seL4_ASID_Table: 10
seL4_Slot: 4
seL4_Value_MinUntypedBits: 4
seL4_Value_MaxUntypedBits: 29
seL4_PageTableObject: 10
seL4_PageDirectoryObject: 14
seL4_ARM_SectionObject: 20
seL4_ARM_SuperSectionObject: 24
seL4_IOPageTableObject: 12
seL4_IOPorts: 0
seL4_IODevice: 0
seL4_ARMIODevice: 0
seL4_IRQ: 0
seL4_MSIIRQ: 0

The same error also occurs when I used parse-capdL executable generated by Camkes repo.
Is there any step I'm missing? Or does the tool not support the conversion to Isabelle?

Norrathep (Oak) Rattanavipanon
M.S. in Computer Science
University of California - Irvine