We're pleased to announce the release of CAmkES 3.0.0.

This is a major release, which contains all work from our development branch, also known as CAmkES Next. Future development on CAmkES will occur on the "master" branch. Importantly, this means no further commits will be made to the "next" branch, so users will need to update their manifests to point at the "master" branch, or alternatively, the "camkes-3.0.0" tag created with this release.

= Release Notes =

Detailed release notes can be found on our wiki:


= Upgrade Notes =

Dependencies for running CAmkES have changed since the previous release. Instructions for installing dependencies on several linux distros can be found here:


If you were tracking the master branch of the camkes-tool in your project, you'll need to modify your project's manifest for it to continue to work. Migration instructions for a variety of situations can be found at:


= Major Changes =

A summary of major changes can be found at:


= Examples =

mkdir camkes-examples && cd camkes-examples

repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/camkes-manifest.git -m default-3.0.x.xml

repo sync

tests/x86-simple.tcl     # builds and runs simple example

= Source Code =


= Full Change Log =

Use: git log camkes-3.0.0...$(git merge-base camkes-2.3.1 camkes-3.0.0)

= More Details =

Manual: https://github.com/seL4/camkes-tool/blob/camkes-3.0.0/docs/index.md

Wiki: https://wiki.sel4.systems/CAmkES
