= seL4-5.2.0-mcs =

The first round of mixed-criticality extensions for seL4 are now available for your perusal and usage. This is a prerelease of features that are currently  our candidate for verification. They are *not* verified and most likely contain bugs. If you encounter any, please report them ;)

We have more features in development coming, but this is the first lot. 

= Release Notes =

Detailed release notes can be found on our wiki:


= Upgrade Notes =

This version is not compatible with seL4 5.2.0, but forks the API based on that kernel version. Branches are available in most of our libraries to use, and CAmkES and capdl already have support for this pre-release on their latest release and master branch.

= Major Changes =

A summary of major changes can be found at:


A tutorial covering the new features can be found at:


= Source Code =


= Full Change Log =

Use: git log 5.2.0..5.2.0-mcs