I have recently started with working on sel4 and I have a couple of questions.
i) Can a process be spawned or configured only from the root task? (using sel4_configure_process)
ii) How to enable or locate prints of ZF_LOGE in kernel? I have enabled kernel prints and debug in make menuconfig.
iii) I have followed the tutorial for IPC between a spawned process and root task. The setup is done as follows from the root task:
/* create an endpoint */
vka_object_t ep_object = {0};
error = vka_alloc_endpoint(&vka, &ep_object);
assert(error == 0);
* make a badged endpoint in the new process's cspace. This copy
* will be used to send an IPC to the original cap
/* make a cspacepath for the new endpoint cap */
cspacepath_t ep_cap_path;
seL4_CPtr new_ep_cap;
vka_cspace_make_path(&vka, ep_object.cptr, &ep_cap_path);
/* copy the endpont cap and add a badge to the new cap */
new_ep_cap = sel4utils_mint_cap_to_process(&new_process, ep_cap_path,
seL4_AllRights, seL4_CapData_Badge_new(EP_BADGE));
assert(new_ep_cap != 0);
However, I want to establish communication between two spawned processes. In that case I need to copy the badged endpoint capability of one process into another process. But in the spawned process I wouldn't have access to the pointer (sel4utils_process_t of new process), so how can i use mint_cap_to_process.
Can someone help me with these. Thanks in advance.
