I want to map the arm global timer which is located at memory location 0xF8F00200 .
However, when I am trying to get the physical frame using :
error = simple_get_frame_cap(&simple, (void*)global_timer_paddr, 12, &ep_cap_path);
if (error) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to find frame at paddr %p\n", global_timer_paddr);
return error;
I get the Error Statement on stduout as "main@main.c:209 Failed to find frame at paddr 0xf8f00200"
If i print the bootinfo during bootup, I can see that I have access to this region
0xf8000000 | 00000012 | [520 <--> 521 ]
Can someone help me as why this issue may be caused? I know that this global timer is said to be mapped in the private region. But I do not what exactly that means and if we cannot do it.