The readme for the camkes-vm appears to have gotten out of date. Currently it suggests to use the 'c162_threevm_testing_defconfig', it should now say 'c162_twovm_defconfig' and there is an additional platform supported by the 'optiplex9020_onevm_defconfig'.
Apologies for the confusion, will fix the readme ASAP.
On Sat 14-Nov-2015 10:44 AM, Ben Karel wrote:
Perhaps it's referring to ?
On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 6:26 PM, Bryan Ching <> wrote:
So using repo did the trick. When I'm trying to build it, I'm getting an error involving libboost. Here is the error:make: *** No rule to make target `libboost', needed by `vm'. Stop.
I tried using the command, sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev, to install all the boost packages. Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong?
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Peter Chubb <> wrote:
>>>>> "Bryan" == Bryan Ching <> writes:
Bryan> I was just wondering for the CAmkES-vm, where is the Makefile
Bryan> to build it? Also, to clone the github repository, do I use
Bryan> "repo" or can I use "git clone"?
Use repo; it should set up the Makefile for you from a different
repository (camkes-tool.git). The starting point for the X86 VMM is
the camkes-vm manifest repository,
Peter C
Dr Peter Chubb Software Systems Research Group/NICTA/Data61
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