Hi Peng,

1. TLB status is irrelevant
2. Contents of registers from seL4_UserContext are always just literally what that thread had in its registers, no translation in any direction is done by the kernel


On Thu 27-Apr-2017 7:05 AM, PX wrote:
Hi, all
I have some questions about TK1 VM. I want to save the execution status of the TK1 VM. First, I stop the VM, then I use the function, seL4_TCB_ReadRegisters() to read the VM's registers into a buffer. 

Here are my questions:
1. Before I call the function, seL4_TCB_ReadRegisters(), do I need to flush TLB of CPU? If so, where is the library I need to check for this function?
2. The register values in the structure, seL4_UserContext, are VMM's physical addresses or virtual addresses?

Best wishes


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