Hello Kent,

I extended the rumprun+rust example (available in this PR) with a simple camkes connection between the rumprum camkes component and a serial server component, as shown below (full code here):

 composition {
     component rumprun_platform_layer rrpl;

     component rumprun_rust hello1;
     RUMPRUN_META_CONNECTION(hello1, rrpl)

     component rumprun hello2;
     RUMPRUN_META_CONNECTION(hello2, rrpl)

     component Server server;

     connection seL4SharedData conn(from hello1.camkes_buffer, to server.buffer);
     connection seL4Notification simpleEvent1(from hello1.camkes_ev, to server.ev);
     connection seL4Notification simpleEvent2(from server.ev1, to hello1.camkes_ev1);

I added a simple rust program (running on rumprun_rust):

fn main() {
 println!("Hello rust!");
 unsafe {
 println!("Waiting for event!");
 unsafe {
 println!("Got event!");

extern {
    fn camkes_ev_emit();
    fn camkes_ev1_wait(); 

In order to compile the cargo project, I added a build.rs script to package the generated camkes object file (camkes.o) into an archite that cargo can link against.

The problem is, that the generated camkes.c file contains its own main function:

int USED main(int argc UNUSED, char *argv[]) {
    assert(argc == 2);
    assert(strcmp(argv[0], "camkes") == 0);

    int thread_id = (int)(uintptr_t)(argv[1]);
    return post_main(thread_id);

which collides with the fn main() defined in rust. (I get multiple definition of `main' error).

How is this handled in rumprun_ethernet example? There is also a main function for the rumpkernel component, and the main() from camkes, but the compilation process handles this correctly.

Could you point me in the right direction?
