Hi Matthew,

Thanks for all the help. I did try starting over. But when I try running "make clean", I am now getting an error saying that the camkes.mk file isn't there.

Here is the error:
Makefile:9: /../../tools/camkes/camkes.mk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/../../tools/camkes/camkes.mk'.  Stop.

I've been checking everything and it looks identical to what I had previously. I don't understand why I'm getting this error. I checked and the file is indeed in tools/camkes/camkes.mk. Please let me know what you think.


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Matthew Fernandez <matthew.fernandez@nicta.com.au> wrote:
Sorry, Bryan, this is another issue caused by the out-of-date tutorial instructions on sel4.systems.
The contents of the Kbuild file for the helloworld example is missing a dependency on libsel4bench.
I suspect at the time the original wording was put together, libsel4bench was not a dependency of
this application. Again, the upstream tutorial doc has the correct dependencies:

apps-$(CONFIG_APP_HELLOWORLD) += helloworld
helloworld: libsel4 libmuslc libsel4platsupport \
  libsel4muslccamkes libsel4sync libsel4debug libsel4bench

If you're at this point in the tutorial, I would suggest perhaps starting again from the beginning
and following the Github instructions, as I'm unsure offhand what other latent differences may be

On 09/11/15 16:11, Bryan Ching wrote:
Thank you Matthew! That clear up so much for me! But now I'm getting another error. Here is the message:

In file included from
/home/bryan/camkes-project/stage/arm/imx31/include/camkes/timing.h:16:33: fatal error:
sel4bench/sel4bench.h: No such file or directory
  #include <sel4bench/sel4bench.h>
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/home/bryan/camkes-project/build/arm/imx31/helloworld/src/c/generated/iface_seL4RPC.o]
Error 1
make: *** [helloworld] Error 2

Please let me know what you think.


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Matthew Fernandez <matthew.fernandez@nicta.com.au
<mailto:matthew.fernandez@nicta.com.au>> wrote:

    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for your questions. My answers inline below.

    On 09/11/15 10:29, Bryan Ching wrote:


        I am following the tutorial for CAmkES and had a few questions.

        There is a part in the tutorial that says to "create a dependency entry in
        |apps/helloworld/Kbuild| for your application". How exactly do you go about creating a
        Do you just add it to the first line of the Kconfig file?

    Kbuild and Kconfig are two separate elements of the build system infrastructure. The Kconfig files
    determine the menu options and build system configuration available. The Kbuild files express the
    dependencies that GNU Make understands while building a seL4 project.

    In this case, that line refers to adding the text below it to a new file, apps/helloworld/Kbuild:

    apps-$(CONFIG_APP_HELLOWORLD) += helloworld
    helloworld: libsel4 libmuslc libsel4platsupport libsel4muslccamkes libsel4sync libsel4debug

        Also, for the Makefile, I needed to include the camkes.mk <http://camkes.mk>
        <http://camkes.mk> file. However, it was
        not found in the specified directory. This is the command that I included in the Makefile:
        ${SOURCE_DIR}/../../tools/common/camkes.mk <http://camkes.mk> <http://camkes.mk> Where could
        I get that file? Or if
        someone had the contents of that file, I could create it myself.

    This looks like a typo in the tutorial. The actual path to that file is
    "${SOURCE_DIR}/../../tools/camkes/camkes.mk <http://camkes.mk>". This is correct upstream in the
    markdown source this
    page is derived from, so perhaps this page has not been synchronized recently. I'll see if I can get
    that rectified. In the meantime, you could try following the upstream version of this tutorial:


    If you're part way through the tutorial note that the sel4.systems version has another typo in the
    setting of the ADL variable in that app's Makefile. Apologies for the confusion.


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The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments.