I suppose if you wanted to use shared memory for IPC you could always make a call to the designated "virtual memory" server to create a mappable object whose capability you could then pass to the target server to allow it to ask to be mapped.On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:28 AM, Gernot Heiser <gernot@nicta.com.au> wrote:IPC using shared memory policy needs to be considered and established.
On 31 Aug 2015, at 18:57 , Raymond Jennings <shentino@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there an easy way for one task to share address space with another task directly or does it have to go through the kernel/os and be emulated?
there’s nothing stopping you mapping the same frame into two different address spaces (provided you have the rights to do so).
I noticed that support for mapping memory is mostly low level assignment of physical frames to virtual frames via page tables, unlike Mach which uses memory objects.
Shared read-write both processes need to have the (exact?) same levels.
Shared rw --> ro is one way and the sender needs to be trustedto do the correct things with data it has access to.
There is more to be considered... in a machine eyes-only needsa policy where a decision can be made but no other outputis permitted policy.
Without a policy and strategy things get unsecured in a hurry.One might simply use files and allow page cache to acceleratecommunication.
Device drivers... ?
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