It would be particularly neat to do a fault-tolerant implementation of the seL4 API and a refinement proof that it implemented the spec when the number of concurrent failures was limited.

On Jun 12, 2015 4:40 AM, "Gernot Heiser" <> wrote:
On 12 Jun 2015, at 7:11 , Raoul Duke <> wrote:
>>       In general, a high-availability system should have the following
>> software services
>>       I want to develop a high-availability system on seL4, can anyone
>> give me some suggestions?
> Does that have to all be in the OS? To what degree could it be a
> library independed of OS?

What is the “OS” becomes a bit relative with a true microkernel (which QNX isn’t). But you’re right if you think this should certainly not be part of the *kernel*.



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