Hello All,

We have recently run into an issue trying to boot the TK1 VMM on a TK1 Jetson board.
The kernel tries to run but soon runs into translation errors after a couple of seconds.
We are using the non-secure dtb with the initrd image.

Here are some of the lines, it continues on like this and never stops.

SMMU Address translation error:
 ID: 1 address: 0x0 type: 6 direction: 0x0
 IOPT permission: read 0x0 write 0x0 nonsecure 0x0
 SMMU Address translation error:
 ID: 1 address: 0x18fc00 type: 6 direction: 0x0
 IOPT permission: read 0x0 write 0x0 nonsecure 0x
 SMMU Address translation error:
 ID: 1 address: 0x912c0 type: 6 direction: 0x0

We had success running the VM using the previous commit from camkes-arm-vmm repo, but the newest commit has introduced this issue.
We have isolated it to line 93 in the "vmm_common.camkes" file.
Removing "0x54200000:18", // Display A"  from the file fixes the problem and we can boot as normal.
We are also running Uboot 2010-10-rc5 as suggested by a email on the board.

I am still new to working down to this level of code so any help in understanding this problem is appreciated.