I'm sure I use the decompressed binary.On 2017-06-15 23:25:47,"John Backes" <john.backes@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you using the compressed binary or the decompressed binary that buildroot produces?- JohnOn Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 10:23 AM, li94575 <li94575@163.com> wrote:Hi,I use Buildroot 2016.08.1 with the config "buildroot_tk1_initrd_defconfig" to compile linux-tegra(https://github.com /SEL4PROJ/linux-tegra/tree/sel ), everything goes well. But the linux binary cannot output any logs, camkes-arm-vm stops at “Starting VM”. Can anyone tells me where might be wrong? I have tried using cross-compiler arm-none-linux-gnueabi-(2014.04 5) to compile linux-tegra, and that linux binary can work.
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