On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 4:20 PM, Parthasarathi Susarla <Parthasarathi.Susarla@nicta.com.au> wrote:
That is odd. I tried building for ia32/x86 images, and they did pass
without an error.
One possible reason could be that a `make clean` didn't clean the
artefacts from a previous build. If that isn't the case, can you share
your config file, so that I could test it? Although, this error might
not show up when cloning and building from scratch.

It was a fresh clone using ia32_release_xml_defconfig… trying again just in case:

$ mkdir sel4test
$ cd sel4test
$ repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/sel4test-manifest -m 3.2.x.xml
$ repo sync
$ make ia32_release_xml_defconfig
$ make
[GEN_IMAGE] sel4test-driver-image

Bah, worked fine. Heisenjerk! If it pops up again, I'll dig further. :-)
