Hi, Lmbench supported different UNIX/POSIX systems architecture , so you will see a lot of header files which seL4 doesn't exist (https://github.com/dmonakhov/lmbench/blob/master/src/bench.h) , hence we can not use Lmbench to measure.

Thanks, Gapry
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 3:58 PM ぷ风过无痕?? <787738581@qq.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want to measure a variety of important aspects of system performance on CAMKES or RefOS. I know that Lmbench is an extensive suite of micro-benchmarks that give powerful insights into system performance. And lmbench is written in ANSI-C,so it is portable across a wide variety of systems and architectures. Can I measure the system performance on CAMKES or RefOS using Lmbench ? Thank you.
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