Hello seL4 Community, Trustworthy Systems @UNSW is pleased to announce the release 0.1 of Lions OS, the new, high-performance, highly adaptable, seL4-based OS we are developing from scratch. Aimed embedded/cyberphysical/IoT system, Lions OS is meant to be easily usable (built on top of the Microkit and its SDK) and at the same time designed to be formally verified. Key to achieving all these objectives is a principled, highly-modular design, driven by ruthless adherence to the time-honoured KISS principle, an approach we have already applied successfully to the seL4 Device Driver Framework (sDDF) that is one of foundations of Lions OS. LionsOS is still in its early stages but we are at the point where we have a non-trivial example system and initial documentation. We expect both functionality and documentation to evolve rapidly. We also anticipate significant progress on the verification of Lions OS over the next 12 months. Project overview: https://trustworthy.systems/projects/LionsOS/ Lions OS web site: https://lionsos.org/ Source code (2-clause BSD): https://github.com/au-ts/lionsos Gernot on behalf of Trustworthy Systems