Welcome Collins, Bronze sponsor of the seL4 Summit 2024

The seL4 Foundation thanks Collins Aerospace [0] for becoming a Bronze sponsor of the seL4 Summit 2024 [1]. Collins Aerospace [0], part of seL4 Foundation member Raytheon Technologies [2], has been a long-time core participant in the seL4 ecosystem. seL4 summitIt was a prime contractor in the DARPA HACMS program, which demonstrated the seL4-based incremental cyber retrofit of autonomous military vehicles. This was a major milestone in the growth of seL4, demonstrating that it protects against cyber attacks on real systems in operation. The same team also led the follow-on DARPA CASE program, aiming at designed-in cyber-resiliency, including the seL4-based framework for verified initialisation and configuration of systems architectures. Collins Aerospace is now leading the INSPECTA team as part of DARPA's PROVERS program, which aims at developing formal methods tools to guide software engineers through designing proof-friendly software systems and reduce the proof repair workload. See [3] if you are interested in sponsoring the seL4 summit 2024. [0] https://www.collinsaerospace.com/ [1] https://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/2024/ [2] https://www.rtx.com/ [3] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/sel4-summit/sponsor/ Birgit Brecknell seL4 Foundation Project Coordinator Sydney, Australia Mon 9-5 Wed 2-5 Fri 9-5 birgit@sel4.systems <mailto:birgit@sel4.systems> bbrcknl@gmail.com <mailto:bbrcknl@gmail.com>
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