seL4 Summit 2020 - Call for Presentation

Dear colleagues, You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for consideration for presentation during the 3rdAnnual seL4 Summit (supported by DARPA and AFRL), to be held virtually on November 15-18, 2020. seL4 is the first formally verified microkernel, which offers fundamental software separation properties and provides new opportunities to build assured computer systems. The seL4 Summit is part of an effort to establish a Center of Excellence (COE) focused on seL4 ecosystems, aiming to mature the seL4 technology, stabilize the software distribution, train and expand the user base, and develop needed capabilities. The development of seL4 is supported by NICTA in Australia, and the development of the COE is being supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), both efforts aim to create technology for the construction of high-assurance cyber-physical systems, where high assurance is defined to mean functionally correct and satisfying appropriate safety and security properties. For information about the First and Second seL4 Summit, please visit the Summit website at The Organizing Committee invite researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present work of interest to the seL4 community during the Third Annual seL4 Summit. The abstract should include a title, name of the presenter, organization, a brief description of the work (or work in progress), and its relevance to seL4 and building assured systems. Interested topics include, but are not limited to, the following: * OS Kernel Design * Building Assured Systems * seL4 Center of Excellence and Ecosystem * Government Efforts * Capabilities and Applications based on a Microkernel * Embedded and Cyber Physical System * Formal Verification and Tools * Trusted Execution Environment * Correctness by Construction * Secure and Resilient Systems * Maturity, Assurance, and Transition * Artifacts and Certification Important Dates * Call for Presentation Submissions Due: 08/28/2020 * Author Notification Due: 09/18/2020 * Final Video (with sound) Presentation Due: 10/23/2020 Extended Abstracts for Presentation should be sent to<>. seL4 Center of Excellence Organizing Committee Douglas Schafer AFRL Jason Li Siege Tech Jerry Dussault Griffiss Inst. June Andronick Data61 Raymond Richards DARPA I2O Robbie VanVossen DornerWorks Renato Levy IAI Todd Carpenter Adventium Labs
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