A number of informal social activities [0] are being organised by local Sydney-siders. Check out the list and contact the organiser [0] to register your interest. *Blue Mountains bush walk (TBC)* Gernot plans to take a group on a walk, most likely in the stunning Blue Mountains, which are about a 1.5 hours drive from Sydney. The details of this activity will be organised mid-September 2024. Stay tuned! *Bondi to Coogee walk* June will take a group on the iconic Bondi to Coogee walk, with optional dinner to follow at Coogee for people who are interested. *A guided tour of The Rocks* Birg will organise a guided tour of The Rocks, which gives an account of Sydney's colonial heritage. *Sailing in Sydney Harbour (TBC)* Peter plans to take a group sailing in the Sydney Harbour on a replica of the 1600s ship, the Duyfken. Includes light refreshments, beer, soft drinks etc. [0] https://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/2024/social-activities Birgit Brecknell seL4 Foundation Project Coordinator Sydney, Australia Mon 9-5 Wed 2-5 Fri 9-5 birgit@sel4.systems <mailto:birgit@sel4.systems> bbrcknl@gmail.com <mailto:bbrcknl@gmail.com>
participants (1)
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