3 Aug
3 Aug
3:29 p.m.
Hi, I turned off the CONFIG_SMMU_INTERRUPT_ENABLE because of the SMMU address translation error, like this:
SMMU Address translation error: ID: 1 address: 0xbde00000 type: 6 direction: 0x0 IOPT permission: read 0x0 write 0x0 nonsecure 0x0 I tried to add the IDs 2 and 3 to the vm.smmu field in vm_common.camkes, but that does not work. Do I need to make any other changes?
At 2017-08-01 07:24:59, Kent.Mcleod@data61.csiro.au wrote: This could be due to an IOMMU configuration issue. Have you tried turning on the CONFIG_SMMU_INTERRUPT_ENABLE as well as CONFIG_PRINTING options in the seL4 kernel configuration? This will print out IOMMU faults that indicate the IOMMU isn't configured correctly. Kent.