Hello seL4 devs and users, I am trying to send two capabilities from one process to another via the extraCaps mechanism in the IPC. I can get it working when I send just 1 cap, but when I am sending 2 caps, the 2nd one never makes it. The extraCaps field on the receiver side is somehow always 1. Looking at the seL4 manual, I understood that I could send more than 1 capability via an IPC. But since on the receiver side, I can only specify one receive slot, I assumed that if more than 1 capability is received, it will be put in the consecutive slots. Not sure if this is a valid assumption. Looking at kerne/libsel4/include/sel4/constants.h <https://github.com/seL4/seL4/blob/master/libsel4/include/sel4/constants.h#L54>, I see that seL4_MsgMaxExtraCaps is set to 2, so I think I should be able to send 2 caps. I have spent about 3 days trying to make this work and thought that at this stage, it would be best to ask :) My C code on the sender side looks something like this: seL4_CPtr cap1 = <alloc some capability> seL4_CPtr cap2 = <alloc some capability> seL4_SetMR(0, 0xabcd); seL4_SetCap(0, cap1); seL4_SetCap(1, cap2); seL4_MessageInfo_t tag = seL4_MessageInfo_new(0, 0, 2, 1); tag = seL4_Call(receivers_ep_cap, tag); On the receive side, the code looks something like this: /* Allocate one csapce slot */ cspacepath_t received_cap_path_1; error = vka_cspace_alloc_path(simple-vka, &received_cap_path_1); <- slot = 2786 assert(error == 0); /* Allocate another csapce slot */ cspacepath_t received_cap_path_2; error = vka_cspace_alloc_path(simple-vka, &received_cap_path_2); <- slot = 2785(somehow decreasing) assert(error == 0); /* Since the allocated slots are decreasing in count, I pick the lesser one as my first slot * assuming that if more than 1 cap is received it will be put in the next slot */ seL4_CPtr min_cptr = MIN(received_cap_path_1.capPtr, received_cap_path_2.capPtr); seL4_SetCapReceivePath( /* _service */ received_cap_path.root, /* index */ min_cptr, /* depth */ received_cap_path.capDepth); tag = recv(&sender_badge); assert(seL4_MessageInfo_get_extraCaps(tag) == 2); <--- This asser fails. Thanks again!! Sid Graduate Student @ UBC