I’ve (almost) finished teaching and all seL4-related videos from my Advanced OS course are now up on YouTube, details below. Gernot
On 2 Jun 2020, at 10:50, Announcements about seL4 -- low volume list <announce@sel4.systems> wrote:
Dear seL4 community,
I’m pleased to announce yet another contribution of UNSW Sydney to the seL4 community: This year I’m making the seL4-related videos from my UNSW Advanced Operating Systems class freely available. You’ll find them at the UNSW CSeLearning COMP9242 YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbSaCpDlfd6qLbEsKquVo3--0gwYBmrUV
At present there are the first two modules, which provide some background on microkernels and seL4, and discuss the seL4 API. More material will show up over the next two months.
The complete course material, including all lecture slides, the project spec and code, are available, as always, from the COMP9042 web site: https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9242/current/
Enjoy, Gernot