Hi everyone, I'm having troubles generating the CAmkES glue component specification and proofs from our source. I can and have successfully generated the ADL/CDL spec and implementations using the documented CMake parameters. Grepping around the docs I've found references to a 'camkes.sh' script, but neither the project tree nor the files generated during build contain it. One candidate reason could be that we set up our build environment strangely: We currently check out seL4/camkes-manifest and then symlink our component into the 'projects/global-components' subtree of the seL4. This works for generating bootable images, but I haven't found out how to generate the glue spec yet. Why we have set it up this way I don't know, and I suspect that there is a right way TM that we have overlooked/not found in the documentation. I appreciate any help in this regard. Thanks and have a nice day! Cheers, Ben