On 11/22/20, Demi M. Obenour <demiobenour@gmail.com> wrote:
Andrew, would you be interested in adding a hosting interface to UX/RT, so that static systems such as the Core Platform can use UX/RT as a Linux VM replacement? UX/RT seems like a fantastic alternative, with both better security and (eventually) better performance. I would imagine that it also would use less memory than a Linux VM.
I didn't have any plans to add support for co-hosting with any other system to UX/RT. Adding support for running as a non-root task to the process server would very likely add significant complexity. Handling IPC between UX/RT and external threads would also probably add significant complexity since UX/RT won't expose any of the raw kernel API to user processes (message passing will be only exposed through the transport layer, and memory capabilities will be managed exclusively by the process server).