Hi, Recently, I try to learning about CMAKES I have some question about stash and pop described as followes: “ Passing Information Between Templates You often wish to do this with two related templates. For example, in the templates that form each side of a connection you often wish to talk about the same object on both sides. None of the templates currently call the low-level helper functions that enable this directly, but if you do want to invoke them, they are stash and pop. stash lets you save a Python object under a given key name and pop retrieves a previously saved Python object by key. Note that these are only usable for passing objects between templates that share related me references.” What is the meaning of “between templates that share related me references.” ? It is my understanding that template will be instantiated, every instance has its own ‘me’ , for example below: connection seL4VirtQueues ping_virtq_conn1(to ping_vqinit1.init, from ping_client.recv, from vm0.send1); To parse the AST, seL4VirtQueues-from.template.c will be called twice for ping_client.recv and vm0.send1, I think they should have their own ‘me’ where can I found the code to share related ‘me’ between the instance. Thanks for your answer