Hi Jeff,
The address looks like the right place to where the device memory should be mapped. Just double check the .camkes file, make sure you are using the correct hardware connector and the device address and size in the configuration part is correct.
We have an example UART app in the "apps" directory, it works with qemu emulator(KZM), check that out. It would be good to put a probe on the UART cable, check if there is any hardware issue.
Good luck
- Siwei
On 3 Oct 2015 8:46 am, Jeff Hieb
Hi Jeff,
seL4 populates the bootinfo structure for the root process.
MMIO frame production is a data driven process using the following data structure: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_seL4_seL4_blob_master_src_plat_am335x_machine_hardware.c-23L43&d=AwIFAg&c=SgMrq23dbjbGX6e0ZsSHgEZX6A4IAf1SO3AJ2bNrHlk&r=vxDfYJYhOaaufTHzA3yxVVn--9Yf3Ig5TrUiTFGL8pc&m=xES3WJjaY0BbvKig8sNNQD6C8RdHjP2OrtyIzDDzCSQ&s=PE4Vs_EGQB_z2P9KgLYL6Af6ZPkogMq6FGz3RmEPyeY&e=
FYI, the physical address of device frames are defined here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_seL4_seL4_blob_master_include_plat_am335x_plat_machine_devices.h&d=AwIFAg&c=SgMrq23dbjbGX6e0ZsSHgEZX6A4IAf1SO3AJ2bNrHlk&r=vxDfYJYhOaaufTHzA3yxVVn--9Yf3Ig5TrUiTFGL8pc&m=xES3WJjaY0BbvKig8sNNQD6C8RdHjP2OrtyIzDDzCSQ&s=iQYNaJIbR5OLyOVMwKZpK0SV1yoBHcUcOP8jLxlQjog&e=
If the uart device that you are attempting to use is not in the list, feel free to add it.
- Alex
________________________________________ From: Devel [devel-bounces@sel4.systems] on behalf of Jeff Hieb [jlhieb01@louisville.edu] Sent: Sunday, 27 September 2015 23:07 To: devel@sel4.systems Subject: [seL4] Camkes MMIO Driver Failed to find device frame
I am working on a UART device driver in camkes for AM335x.
When I load the image on the board I get this error:
Creating object frame_drv_group_bin_42 in slot 596, from untyped 1f6... device frame, paddr = 0x48022000, size = 12 bits
capDL-loader :: << Error: Failed to find device frame at paddr = 0x48022000
I am reasonably confident the address is correct, (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_seL4_libplatsupport_blob_master_plat-5Finclude_am335x_platsupport_plat_serial.h-23L15&d=AwIFAg&c=SgMrq23dbjbGX6e0ZsSHgEZX6A4IAf1SO3AJ2bNrHlk&r=vxDfYJYhOaaufTHzA3yxVVn--9Yf3Ig5TrUiTFGL8pc&m=xES3WJjaY0BbvKig8sNNQD6C8RdHjP2OrtyIzDDzCSQ&s=BmKsuwNLcBX2ucG5br_2EA3628PcqbPWzIh-yLbsVM0&e= )
Looking at the source It seems capDL-Loader wants to find this device frame in bootinfo
Any help on how capDL-loader builds bootinfo would be appreciated.
-- Jeffrey L. Hieb Department of Engineering Fundamentals University of Louisville Louisville Kentucky 40292 (502) 852 0465
_______________________________________________ Devel mailing list Devel@sel4.systems https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__sel4.systems_lists_listinfo_devel&d=AwIFAg&c=SgMrq23dbjbGX6e0ZsSHgEZX6A4IAf1SO3AJ2bNrHlk&r=vxDfYJYhOaaufTHzA3yxVVn--9Yf3Ig5TrUiTFGL8pc&m=xES3WJjaY0BbvKig8sNNQD6C8RdHjP2OrtyIzDDzCSQ&s=rKkqGJPIQpRtHhsDyxjrcUE5EBpZ9S3AHoMVeHB707s&e=
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