On 31 Jul 2021, at 18:57, Andrew Warkentin <andreww591@gmail.com> wrote:
One is a system call origin limit to allow trapping foreign system calls for things like Linux binary compatibility. I'd mentioned this earlier and someone said something like that could be done with virtualization, but it is completely unacceptable to require that hardware virtualization be enabled just to run Linux binaries, not to mention the requirement for a server to intercept every system call (foreign or native) in such an environment, whereas an origin limit would allow for a purely library-based compatibility layer that can replace traps with function calls as they occur.
I’m not sure I understand what you’re after here. Obviously, a requirement to run (presumably unmodified) Linux libraries *is* a virtualisation case, by definition. Running in a hardware VM is one way to do this. Paravirtualising the (dynamically-linked) Linux libraries to IPC to a Linux server rather than trying to do a direct Linux syscall would be another one, and it shouldn’t be hard to do this form of paravirtualisation automatically. (We did it way back with the actual Linux kernel, which is a much harder thing to do.) But even if for some reason that isn’t clear to me you insist on no changes at all to the Linux program (not even dynamic libraries? why?) then that would be quite solvable as well: Any seL4 syscall must be authorised by a cap, and the Linux syscalls won’t present a cap, so trigger an exception, and get forwarded to an exception handler. That receives the fault address and can emulate the Linux functionality.
Another I can think of is a hook for a per-core thread that automatically migrates a thread from another core when the original assigned core is running another thread but another core is free. I can't think of any way to do it well without a hook in the kernel to run a core's migration thread only when that core is idle, since the migration thread would always have to be runnable. Is there any way automatic migration can be done without such a hook and without the migration thread having to sleep?
Detecting an idle core is trivial: You have a lowest-prio thread on each core that executes a loop which does nothing but signal the load balancer, which is a high-prio thread waiting on that notification. That’s your “hook”. Rest is left as an exercise for the reader ;-)
Also, if cross-core IPC gets removed that would pose a problem since UX/RT will have a uniform Unix-superset IPC model (with extra read/write-type functions that expose registers and a shared buffer) that needs to work between arbitrary threads regardless of if they are on different cores. Support for passive threads will be exposed to user programs, but I definitely don't want to require that one thread in every IPC exchange must be passive.
seL4 IPC isn’t like Linux IPC – it’s a user-controlled context switch, a mechanism for implementing protected procedure calls (https://microkerneldude.wordpress.com/2019/03/07/how-to-and-how-not-to-use-s...). Hence doing seL4 IPC across cores makes no sense. Layering a Linux-like IPC model on top (probably using Notifications rather than IPC) doesn’t require kernel changes. Gernot