To add on, DornerWorks has also created an example http-server application that uses lwIP and the Ethernet drivers to host an http-server on an imx6.
It’s on an older version of seL4 (7.0.0), but you can download it and try it out for yourself.
$ repo init -u https://github.com/dornerworks/dw-camkes-manifests -m http_server.xmlhttps://github.com/dornerworks/dw-camkes-manifests%20-m%20http_server.xml
$ repo sync
You’ll need to go to the FileSystem component directory and run the makefs python script.
$ python apps/camkes_http/components/FileSystem/makefs.py
$ make http_server_defconfig
$ make
There is a readme document in the camkes_http application that overviews exactly how the system is setup, and how the Ethdriver and Router components work.
In order to make an echo server, you would just need to create an interface to echo the messages back and forth.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Chris Guikema
DornerWorks Ltd
From: Devel [mailto:devel-bounces@sel4.systems] On Behalf Of Fabrizio Bertocci
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 9:30 PM
To: xuguo.wong@gmail.com
Cc: devel@sel4.systems
Subject: Re: [seL4] Network lwip for imx6
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lwip on IMX6 is already available on seL4 (I have been using it in my project).
Look at the seL4/util_libs repository. There you can find the ethernet driver and the lwip.
Make sure to use the latest version (from master) that contains important fixes to the driver.
On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 9:19 PM wong xuguo