Thanks Anna. We are looking for a way to get timestamp (wall clock) that can be used in the userland for authenticating an incoming message from remote server. I see that the real-time clock driver is not implemented yet but an accurate timer would do the job too. So any recommendation on which timer implementation to use? Would this one work? https://github.com/seL4/libsel4platsupport/blob/master/src/mach/imx/timer.c Thanks, Oak On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Norrathep Rattanavipanon <nrattana@uci.edu> wrote:
I was wondering if there's any real time clock implementation for I.MX6 in sel4.
And if there isnt any, what would be the best way to use a timer in sel4 (since I saw many implementations of those)? through sel4platsupport_get_default_timer?
Best, Oak
-- Norrathep (Oak) Rattanavipanon M.S. in Computer Science University of California - Irvine
-- Norrathep (Oak) Rattanavipanon M.S. in Computer Science University of California - Irvine