On 1/9/21 4:34 AM, Andrew Warkentin wrote:
I'd possibly be interested. Not sure about the Robigalia developers. Seems like they haven't been very active, and I may have passed them with UX/RT as far as what I actually have working. They seem to have abandoned all their old code and tried to start over last year but haven't gotten far since then from what i can tell. I'm not quite sure why they didn't just try to continue with what they had (UX/RT's kernel bindings and allocation subsystem are a mashup of those from feL4 and Robigalia with several major enhancements).
Hello Andrew, We Robigalia developers have indeed been thinking through a better approach to our rust seL4 library. The shortcomings of our previous approach became very apparent as seL4 evolved its build system and added awesome new features that we just weren't able to keep up with. During this process we have discussed with the broader seL4 community some of the issues and concerns we have about building our own language bindings and ultimately dynamic systems on seL4: - https://sel4.discourse.group/t/procedural-generation-of-the-sel4-api/24 - https://sel4.discourse.group/t/pre-rfc-specify-a-fixed-kernel-abi-for-each-a... - https://github.com/seL4/seL4/issues/114 Based on these discussions we have started prototyping a procedurally-generated native rust seL4 library built from a complete seL4 IDL specification. Once we have built this out we intend to share our learnings and continue to advocate for changes to seL4 and/or upstream work that improves the experience for everyone building their own language bindings or dynamic systems on seL4. We are active in our IRC channel at #robigalia on freenode and invite anyone interested to join us.