That wasn't the problem, but I've managed to sort it out - for anyone else that has a similar problem, my microSD card is a bit wonky and needed a few attempts at reformatting and re-copying u-boot.bin from recovery mode. Thanks for all your help, Alex. - Will On 25 December 2014 at 11:36, Alexander Kroh <> wrote:
Hi Will,
This is the correct u-boot.bin:
This prebuilt u-boot has a patch applied in order to compile in the "bootelf" command. Perhaps you did not install u-boot correctly or you are not booting from the correct source? In any case, the "bootelf" command is not strictly required to boot seL4.
To boot a binary image, first convert your elf file into a binary file: $> arm-linux-gnueabi-objcopy --output-target binary bootimg.elf bootimg.bin
This strips out the image metadata (load address and entry point) so you need to be sure to use the correct addresses in your boot command U-Boot> tftpboot 0x20000000 bootimg.bin && go 0x20000000
- Alex
________________________________________ From: Will Korteland [] Sent: Wednesday, 24 December 2014 01:54 To: Alexander Kroh Cc: Subject: Re: [seL4] i.MX6 quad booting problems
Hi Alex,
I've managed to get the TFTP part working (it was a combination of many problems - environment variables, drivers, leftover config from AOS, etc.), but I now have a different problem - after the TFTP finishes, I get the message "Unknown command 'bootelf'". From what I've read, this doesn't seem to be an environment variable, but needs to be compiled into the u-boot image - did I download the right u-boot.bin from the website? I used the prebuilt u-boot.bin from the Sabre Lite hardware page.
(If I'm wrong and it's an environment variable, could you please paste it here?)
Thanks, - Will
On 14 December 2014 at 20:15, Alexander Kroh < <>> wrote: Hi Will,
The key environment variables are:
bootcmd=tftpboot 0x30000000 bootimg.elf && bootelf gatewayip= ipaddr= serverip=
The tftpboot command reports the IP addresses used so that you can check that they are correct.
You might consider using tcpdump or wireshark to diagnose the problem.
- Alex
________________________________________ From: Devel [] on behalf of Will Korteland [<>] Sent: Sunday, 14 December 2014 18:26 To: Subject: [seL4] i.MX6 quad booting problems
Hi everyone,
I hope I'm using the correct list for this type of thing... I've bought my own Sabre Lite (identical to the AOS boards), and I've been trying for a few days now to get it to boot from tftp. I've downloaded the prebuilt u-boot.bin from the Sabre Lite hardware page, but it still doesn't seem to be working - it keeps timing out when trying to do the transfer. I think my tftp server is set up correctly, since it is the same as it was during AOS last semester.
Could someone please boot a Sabre Lite set up for TFTP, interrupt the default boot process, type "printenv" into the U-Boot prompt and paste the results?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
Thanks, - Will
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