On 11 Mar 2020, at 12:46, Demi Obenour <demiobenour@gmail.com<mailto:demiobenour@gmail.com>> wrote: 1. Are high-level, hardware-independant libraries that wrap the low-level API planned? Not only planned, they already exist to a degree. For example, CAmkES abstracts architecture, our userlevel libraries (mostly) abstract architecture. 2. Will it be possible to build a conventional (from an application perspective) OS on top of a multikernel, such that the application does not need to be aware that it is running on a multikernel? In principle yes, a clustered multikernel would appear as a NUMA system. But presently we provide no user-level frameworks for this (as practically all of our present use cases are in the embedded space where multicores are closely clustered). 3. What are the broken parts of POSIX mentioned? I/O interfaces that force data copying. For other Posix brokenness, see eg https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3317550.3321435?casa_token=k6pcqUKP1doAAAAA%3Am5-zbIdySRccewfvlzVLH7mLyTxdks56fwL_zSdvdODtgLBWWxl-9U1Ime_FRragZBIIvodKBI4Gbm0<https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3317550.3321435?casa_token=k6pcqUKP1doAAAAA:m5-zbIdySRccewfvlzVLH7mLyTxdks56fwL_zSdvdODtgLBWWxl-9U1Ime_FRragZBIIvodKBI4Gbm0> Gernot