"../muslibc/include/sys" // necessary for compilation as test_2.c has "socket.h"
This line shouldn't be here, and instead socket.h should be included via <sys/socket.h>. Otherwise many other include directives are going to match on the incorrect files. Kent. ________________________________ From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of Chubb, Peter (Data61, Kensington NSW) <Peter.Chubb@data61.csiro.au> Sent: Friday, 14 June 2019 8:03 AM To: yogidk . Cc: devel@sel4.systems Subject: Re: [seL4] camkes error.h include problem
"yogidk" == yogidk <yogidk@gmail.com> writes:
yogidk> and another file yogidk> test_2.c which includes "socket.h" yogidk> DeclareCAmkESComponent(test yogidk> INCLUDES "../muslibc/include/sys"* // necessary for yogidk> compilation as test_2.c has "socket.h"* This line means that "#include <errno.h>" picks up sys/errno.h instead of errno.h. Get rid of it. Instead, do '#include <sys/socket.h> instead of '#include <socket.h>' Peter C -- Dr Peter Chubb Tel: +61 2 9490 5852 http://ts.data61.csiro.au/ Trustworthy Systems Group Data61, CSIRO (formerly NICTA) _______________________________________________ Devel mailing list Devel@sel4.systems https://sel4.systems/lists/listinfo/devel