On 26 Oct 2019, at 08:00, Michael Neises <neisesmichael@gmail.com> wrote:
I know that seL4 provides confidentiality, which is described as a property that "means that data cannot be read without permission." Given this wording, I wonder if it is not possible to revoke those permissions in certain cases. In particular, I would like for one camkes component to be able to perform runtime measurements, such as heap analysis, on another component. Or even better, I would like for a component to be able to perform runtime measurements on a program running within the camkes linux vm. Is such a feat possible?
Hi Michael seL4’s confidentiality (and other security) enforcement means that the kernel guarantees that you can only access objects to which you have been given explicit permission (in the form of a capability). How those permissions are allocated is a matter of policy, the kernel doesn’t care, it only enforces. In particular, it is totally possible in seL4 to give one component access to another component’s address space, that’s for the user-level policy framework to decide. Whether the present CAmkES framework supports this is a different question, which I’ll leave to someone who’s more up to date with CAmkES details. Gernot