Hi Hesham, I am using gcc-linaro-7.1.1-2017.08-x86_64_arm-eabi and gcc-linaro-7.1.1-2017.08-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabi on Debian Linux 8.9(jessie) 64-Bit I followed the page https://wiki.sel4.systems/Hardware/Beaglebone With the default repo checkout, i just set seL4 system as ARM and platform type as AM335X and toolchain cross-compiler prefix as gcc-linaro-7.1.1-2017.08-x86_64_arm-eabi. Surprisingly today sel4test worked when i tried again with both arm-eabi and arm-linux-gnueabi gcc versions I don't know why it didn't worked yesterday. Anyway now its fine. ... ... Starting test 110: VSPACE0000 Starting test 111: VSPACE0001 Starting test 112: VSPACE0002 Starting test 114: Test all tests ran Test suite passed. 114 tests passed. 39 tests disabled. All is well in the universe Thanks anyway, B.Sathish Kumar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hesham.Almatary@data61.csiro.au <Hesham.Almatary@data61.csiro.au> Sent: 24 October 2017 07:37 To: Sathish Kumar Balasubramaniam -ERS, HCL Tech; devel@sel4.systems Subject: Re: [seL4] Booting seL4 in bbb (beaglebone black) Hi Sathish, Thanks for the log. The steps look fine to me. I also tried to re-produce it, but did not get this error. Could you please let us know: * How did you configure/build sel4test (i.e. which *_defconfig file have you used)? * What toolchain do you use? * Which sel4(test) release do yo use (with libraries)? * Whether you've changed anything? * What's in the faulting address you provided (objdump)? Cheers, Hesham ::DISCLAIMER:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and intended for the named recipient(s) only. E-mail transmission is not guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or may contain viruses in transmission. The e mail and its contents (with or without referred errors) shall therefore not attach any liability on the originator or HCL or its affiliates. Views or opinions, if any, presented in this email are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of HCL or its affiliates. Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and / or publication of this message without the prior written consent of authorized representative of HCL is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please delete it and notify the sender immediately. Before opening any email and/or attachments, please check them for viruses and other defects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------