Hi Anna, I’d like to create process with particular size of CSpace and VSpace. CSpace size is defined in ‘config’ structure, I can set config.one_level_cspace_size_bits member. I am not sure how to set up VSpace size through ‘reservations’ and ‘num_reservations’ values? Let’s say I need to give to new process 10Mb virtual space. static inline sel4utils_process_config_t process_config_create_vspace(sel4utils_process_config_t config, sel4utils_elf_region_t *reservations, int num_reservations) { config.create_vspace = true; config.reservations = reservations; config.num_reservations = num_reservations; return config; } Thank you, Leonid From: Anna.Lyons@data61.csiro.au <Anna.Lyons@data61.csiro.au> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 8:37 PM To: Leonid Meyerovich <lmeyerovich@i-a-i.com>; devel@sel4.systems Subject: Re: create process in seL4 Hi Leonid, I don't understand your first question, which untyped are you wanting to adjust the size of? As for the second question, you can take a look at the sel4bench project, where all created processes use the same function to get a working allocator through the libsel4benchsupport library bundled with the project [1]. We're aware we need more tutorials and I'll add this to the list of desired seL4 tutorials. Thanks Anna. [1] https://github.com/seL4/sel4bench/blob/master/libsel4benchsupport/src/suppor... ________________________________ From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems<mailto:devel-bounces@sel4.systems>> on behalf of Leonid Meyerovich <lmeyerovich@i-a-i.com<mailto:lmeyerovich@i-a-i.com>> Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2018 6:43 AM To: devel@sel4.systems<mailto:devel@sel4.systems> Subject: [seL4] create process in seL4 Hello, Is there any way to define untyped size while creating process using library functions? process_config_default_simple(simple_t *simple, const char *image_name, uint8_t prio) sel4utils_configure_process_custom(sel4utils_process_t *process, vka_t *vka, vspace_t *spawner_vspace, sel4utils_process_config_t config) The second question is how to initialize allocator (probably I should use bootstrap_use_current_1level, but how where should I get parameters?) in created process to support memory allocation operations? Thank you, Leonid ________________________________ This message and all attachments are PRIVATE, and contain information that is PROPRIETARY to Intelligent Automation, Inc. You are not authorized to transmit or otherwise disclose this message or any attachments to any third party whatsoever without the express written consent of Intelligent Automation, Inc. If you received this message in error or you are not willing to view this message or any attachments on a confidential basis, please immediately delete this email and any attachments and notify Intelligent Automation, Inc. ________________________________ This message and all attachments are PRIVATE, and contain information that is PROPRIETARY to Intelligent Automation, Inc. You are not authorized to transmit or otherwise disclose this message or any attachments to any third party whatsoever without the express written consent of Intelligent Automation, Inc. If you received this message in error or you are not willing to view this message or any attachments on a confidential basis, please immediately delete this email and any attachments and notify Intelligent Automation, Inc.