Hi all, I have received a number of questions about submissions, so I’m sharing here some answers: - The requirements for a talk proposal due next week are (purposefully) light. We only require a short description (few paragraphs) of what the talk will be about. This description will be used by the PC to discuss whether the talk fits well for the submit and should be accepted. - The same abstract will also be used later on the website/program to describe each talk. We will give the opportunity to update this description closer to the summit date before publishing it. - There is no limit on the number of talks from same company. This may be considered by the PC when discussing acceptance, to allow some balance in the program, but if the topics are different and of interest, there is no intrinsic reason to not accept them all. - The last obligation will be to present the talk at the summit :) (preferably in person, else please note in the submission that it will be remote. If you don’t know yet, please indicate it). Happy to answer any further questions. Just send them to summit@sel4.systems <mailto:summit@sel4.systems> Looking forward to your submissions! June
On 2 May 2022, at 6:05 pm, June Andronick (seL4 Foundation) <june@sel4.systems> wrote:
A reminder that you have until Monday 9th of May 2022 to propose a talk for the seL4 Summit 2022 :)
http://sel4.systems/news/2022 <http://sel4.systems/news/2022> http://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/ <http://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/> http://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/cfp <http://sel4.systems/Foundation/Summit/cfp>