"skydivebcn" == skydivebcn <skydivebcn@gmail.com> writes:
skydivebcn> I have noticed that no matter how I set the "-m size" skydivebcn> parameter that only 512MB are available to the Linux skydivebcn> guest. Removing the "highmem=off" crashes the system. The QEMU parameter just says what the memory available to the system as a whole is. The amount of memory available to the guest is in the devices.camkes file you used to configure the system. For example, in projects/vm-examples/apps/Arm/vm_minimal/qemu-arm-virt/devices.camkes the amount of RAM for the guest is set to 0x20000000 with parameter VM_RAM_SIZE. (that's 512Mb) You will also need to set QEMU_MEMORY in a CMAKE file before building the seL4 kernel -- the build system needs to know the amount of RAM avaiable; it's not determined at runtime. Probably something like: set(QEMU_MEMORY "2048") in kernel/config.cmake will up the RAM from the default 1G to 2G. -- Dr Peter Chubb https://trustworthy.systems/ Trustworthy Systems Group CSE, UNSW Core hours: Mon 8am-3pm; Wed: 8am-5pm; Fri 8am-12pm.