On Sun 09-Aug-2015 5:29 AM, Hesham ALMatary wrote:
I would guess the pull request should be against experimental branches, right? Or maybe a totally new one?
This may be a little confusing but you probably want to do a pull request against the master branch. The experimental branch is for experimental kernel features that, if they were included in the master branch, would break verification. There are also features that present a different API. A platform or architecture port should have no verification impact, and should not change the API, hence it is fine to go straight into the master branch.
Are there any coding style/format?
We have a couple of guidelines on style, but I realize we have not made these public. Until this is done the short summary is * For general style follow what you already see in the kernel * You can do 'make style' in the kernel directory to auto format using astyle * Stick to the 'verification subset' of C99 Again the 'verification subset' is not well defined. But a very short list of things you should not do (that you might want to do) * Take the address of a local variable * Use unions, goto, fall through switch statements * Use function pointers If your willing to do a couple of iterations then just do your best and we can point out any additional style preferences on the pull request. Adrian ________________________________ The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments.