Hi Kent: Firstly,thank you for your information. I found the test code call "simple_get_sched_ctrl(&env->simple, 0)" function to get sched_ctrl cap, but I feel confused about env->simple. I have two question about sched_ctrl when I want to add mcs call function for camkes-arm-vm project Background: I try to add get sched_ctrl cap before seL4_TCB_Configure of vm_create_vcpu_arch(projects/seL4_projects_libs/libsel4vm/src/arch/arm/boot.c) 1. I try use "simple_get_sched_ctrl(vm->simple, affinity);" or " simple_default_init_bootinfo(&simple, platsupport_get_bootinfo()) simple_get_sched_ctrl(simple, affinity);" But they all failed What "simple" should I used to get sched_ctl in this project. 2. I found camkes_simple_sched_ctrl in component.simple.c generate C code, have below code: /*- if 'sched_ctrl' in configuration[me.name].keys() -*/ But I did not found camkes configurations have "sched_ctrl" field in project or your examples in CAmkES Thank you very much -----邮件原件----- 发件人: Kent Mcleod [mailto:kent.mcleod72@gmail.com] 发送时间: 2020年8月25日 10:37 收件人: yadong.li 抄送: devel@sel4.systems 主题: Re: [seL4] some question about mcs
Hi, 1.Did seL4-11.0.0<https://docs.sel4.systems/releases/sel4/11.0.0> support mcs, I found some CONFIG_KERNEL_MCS in this release version ? or must use seL4 10.1.1-mcs <https://docs.sel4.systems/releases/sel4/10.1.1-mcs.html> branch? 2'Where I can find some example about mcs in project? The introduction of Wiki is too simple , I can 't make the param of seL4_SchedControl_Configure is correct?
Thank you very much
11.0.0 does introduce a config option CONFIG_KERNEL_MCS (KernelIsMCS in CMake). You could start with the MCS tutorial: https://docs.sel4.systems/Tutorials/mcs.html. Alternatively, there are MCS tests in seL4test: https://github.com/seL4/sel4test/blob/master/apps/sel4test-tests/src/tests/s... or examples in CAmkES: - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/cms-donate - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/cs-donate - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/cs-nodonate - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/periodic - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/event-driven - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/mcs-donate - https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/mcs-nodonate I'm not aware if there is any documentation about the CAmkES app examples, but I believe they are supposed to demonstrate different scheduling scenarios using MCS.
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