3 Oct
3 Oct
2:33 p.m.
Can you please suggest a possible solution.
DeclareTutorialsCAmkESComponent(Client TEMPLATE_SOURCES components/Client1/src/client1.c) DeclareTutorialsCAmkESComponent(Client TEMPLATE_SOURCES components/Client2/src/client2.c) DeclareTutorialsCAmkESComponent(Echo TEMPLATE_SOURCES components/Echo/src/echo.c) It seems that the second call to DeclareTutorialsCAmkESComponent should name the component Client2.
Also these seem to be really old sources for the tutorials. It may be easier to extend an application from the camkes sample project (https://github.com/seL4/camkes/tree/master/apps/adder) which can be initialised via: repo init -u https://github.com/seL4/camkes-manifest.git repo sync