Just some addition: I have found function
seL4_Fault_VCPUFault_get_HSR(seL4_Fault_t seL4_Fault)
It gives me the value of HSR register, but how can I get fault address and
some other (if exist) information?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Leonid Meyerovich
Date: Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 11:35 AM
Subject: fault processing
I am working on fault processing.
When I am a fault I am calling
void sel4utils_print_fault_message(seL4_MessageInfo_t tag, const char
*thread_name) from sel4libsutils library
I have tested it for "page fault" condition and it works fine - I am
getting seL4_Fault_VMFault fault type
But in certain case I have got seL4_Fault_VCPUFault type, which is not
implemented sel4libsutils library
I try to process this fault similar to seL4_Fault_VMFault to get all
neccessary registers, but
the kernel does not have functions like seL4_Fault_VCPUFault_get_IP.
What is the message format for VCPU fault?