Julien I am using UART1 (and 2 and 4) on BBB with Camkes. I think you need to set the pin mux on the board. Linux does this with something called device tree overlays (https://learn.adafruit.com/introduction-to-the-beaglebone-black-device-tree/...). Sel4 and Camkes don't provide away to set the mux for the pins (that I am aware of), So you have do it before booting the kernel. I haven't found a particularly clean way to do this yet. Currently I am just using UBoot to set the pin muxes. Before booting your kernel, at the UBoot command line try these two lines: mw.l 0x44E10980 0x30 mw.l 0x44E10984 0x00 This should correctly turn on the UART 1 Rx and Tx lines. Also. I you want to turn on the fifos, the reference manual seems to gloss over part of how to do that. Here is my code to // config to fifo with interrupt but no DMA *UART_REG(LCR) = 0xBF; *UART_REG(EFR) = 0x10; *UART_REG(LCR) = 0x80; *UART_REG(SCR) = 0x01; *UART_REG(MCR) = 0x40; *UART_REG(TLR) = 0x11; *UART_REG(MCR) = 0x00; *UART_REG(FCR) = 0x07; Jeffrey L. Hieb Department of Engineering Fundamentals University of Louisville Louisville Kentucky 40292 (502) 852 0465 On 6/10/2016 3:05 PM, Julien Delange wrote:
Yep, I did this. The code boots correctly and the device is recognized. The serial is still not working, I assume this is a matter of code right now.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Tim Newsham <tim.newsham@gmail.com <mailto:tim.newsham@gmail.com>> wrote:
I think you need to add a line in kernel/src/plat/am335x/machine/hardware.c for this.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Julien Delange <julien.delange@gmail.com <mailto:julien.delange@gmail.com>> wrote:
I am using the second serial interface of the beaglebone black. According to the source code (in libsel4platsupport/plat_include/am335x/sel4platsupport/plat/hw/soc_AM335x.h), the address is 0x48022000). The following line is found in the source
#define SOC_UART_1_REGS (0x48022000)
So, in CAmkES, I configure the hardware component that represents the serial hardware component with the following attributes:
drv.mem_attributes = "0x48022000:0x1000";
The application compiles fine. However, when launching the image on the target, I have the following issue. Any idea about how to solve this? Does anybody successfully used UART1 on the beaglebone black? Or have any idea/suggestion to investigate?
Creating object conn1_frame__timer_0 in slot 728, from untyped 29b... device frame, paddr = 0x48040000, size = 12 bits Creating object conn2_frame__Cons_PingMe_0 in slot 729, from untyped 29b... device frame, paddr = 0x48022000, size = 12 bits
capDL-loader :: << Error: Failed to find device frame at paddr = 0x48022000 >> Ignoring call to sys_rt_sigprocmask Ignoring call to sys_gettid sys_tkill assuming self kill
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