On 2 May 2017, at 3:21 , Norrathep Rattanavipanon <nrattana@uci.edu<mailto:nrattana@uci.edu>> wrote: 2) If my understanding in 1) is correct, the remap function only takes 1 cap at a time. So if I want to modify access rights of many pages, do I have to call the remap function multiple times? Or is there a more efficient way to do so? Hi Oak, As we discussed in person, this is a known issue of our API, and I have presently a student doing some evaluations. I have your use case in mind when talking to the student – for everyone else’s benefit, this is about a consistent shapshot of user memory for doing remote attestation. I would be interested in other use cases for a bulk re-mapping operation. I suspect that there are use cases where this might be a bottleneck, but it would be good to identify specific cases of enough significance to consider an API change. Certainly there won’t be a change if we don’t have convincing use cases. Gernot