Hello, On 04.12.2017 18:15, Edward Sandberg wrote:
I modified the demo.run file to use fb_boot_drv and built the uefi image. I tested it on an UP board, a Minnowboard Turbot, a Dell M3800 laptop, and a Dell Precision 5810 desktop. I was unable to get graphical output on any of them. I have pasted the logs for all (except the laptop which has no serial port) below.
* UP BOARD ******************************** WARNING: no console will be available to OS Bender: Hello World. framebuffer at [80000000+808ca000) 1920x1200@32 framebuffer at [80000000+808ca000) 1920x1200@32
[init -> fb_boot_drv] Framebuffer with 1920x1200x32 @ 0x80000000 type=1 pitch=7680 [init] child "report_rom" announces service "Report" [init -> fb_boot_drv] resource_request: ram_quota=4612096
If you see such a message, the driver or component in general will not continue. The specified memory for the driver seems to be too low, try to increase it. It should be something above 9.2M (7680 Byte * 1200 = 9.2 M + some memory for the driver). Maybe 10-11M should suffice.
* MinnowBoard *********************************** framebuffer at [80000000+808ca000) 1920x1200@32 framebuffer at [80000000+808ca000) 1920x1200@32
[init -> fb_boot_drv] Framebuffer with 1920x1200x32 @ 0x80000000 type=1 pitch=7680 [init -> fb_boot_drv] resource_request: ram_quota=4612096
Same here, try increase the memory for the framebuffer.
* Dell Precision 5810 ************************************** Bender: Hello World. framebuffer at [f1000000+f1300000) 1024x768@32 framebuffer at [f1000000+f1300000) 1024x768@32
Boot config: parsing cmdline 'sel4 disable_iommu' Boot config: console_port = 0x3f8 Boot config: debug_port = 0x3f8 Boot config: disable_iommu = true module #0: start=0xf9b8000 end=0xffff228 size=0x647228 name='image.elf' Physical Memory Region from 0 size a0000 type 1 Physical Memory Region from 100000 size 997ae000 type 1 Adding physical memory region 0x100000-0x1f800000 Physical Memory Region from 998ae000 size 9ac000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from 9a25a000 size 49000 type 3 Physical Memory Region from 9a2a3000 size c71000 type 4 Physical Memory Region from 9af14000 size 492000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from 9b3a6000 size 65000 type 20 Physical Memory Region from 9b40b000 size 1000 type 1 Physical Memory Region from 9b40c000 size e000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from 9b41a000 size 1be6000 type 1 Physical Memory Region from a0000000 size 10000000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from fed1c000 size 4000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from ff000000 size 1000000 type 2 Physical Memory Region from 1000000000 size 1760000000 type 1 Physical memory region not addressable Adding physical memory region 0x0-0x1f800000 seL4 failed assertion '!p_region_overlaps(reg)' at /home/esandberg/projects/embedded/genode-17.11/genode-17.11/contrib/sel4-097171f475bff21223783e130445b9be6b3d1bb4/src/kernel/sel4/src/arn halting...
This is a assertion in the seL4 kernel. Probably it complains about that region overlap due to following lines
Adding physical memory region 0x100000-0x1f800000 Adding physical memory region 0x0-0x1f800000
I'm not sure, whether here the Multiboot 2 information is incorrect or the parsing by the kernel is too strict. Here one would require some more investigation in the Multiboot 2 spec (overlapping regions are valid or not?) and on the target machine in grub2/uefi, potentially bender and the sel4 kernel. Thanks for testing and the infos. -- Alexander Boettcher Genode Labs http://www.genode-labs.com - http://www.genode.org Genode Labs GmbH - Amtsgericht Dresden - HRB 28424 - Sitz Dresden Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth